Track Shipment

Save Time, Save Money

Our prime motto is to save both your time and money

We provide service in more than 190 countries in the world.

TMS Express, best Courier Service in Sylhet



Fast Service

We will ensure you a fast service to deliver your valuable items.

Online Tracking

You can track your shipment online just after booking it.

SMS Notification

You will be notified updates via SMS by our auto-update system.

Cost Effective

We always provide you the most cost effective service.

Why we are the Best Courier Service in Sylhet?

TMS Express is a leading courier service in Sylhet, Bangladesh spreading its service to over 190+ countries of the world. We courier your valuable parcel and documents with great care and efficiency. Our prime motto is to save both of you money and time. In order to provide you a better service, we first time deployed real time auto-tracking  system along with SMS notification. You will also have live chat support from our site.

Our mainstream courier services are based on DHL, though we also do courier with FedEx, UPS, Skynet etc. We are always committed to deliver your package within time.

We also have priority document mailing service on which we are able to deliver your important document within 72 hours.

Along with all of these special features, we are unique in our service and motto. That’s why some our customers says, “TMS Express is the best courier service in Sylhet”.

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